Things that happen at my house

We’re moving!

Okay, so we've been in the same place for 8 yrs now and it's been too small since mom moved in. The rent has nearly doubled over the past 2 yrs. Do you know what hasn't doubled? My income. So it's been a rough time of it. I've found that I feel caged in. I… Continue reading We’re moving!

Things that happen at my house, Thoughts

The Eclipse… part 1

Let me just start by saying: I'm a huge nerd, I was born during the solar eclipse in 1970. Whether it was during totality in my area is up in the air because I don't know my exact time of birth. I was told my dad went out and was watching it while waiting for… Continue reading The Eclipse… part 1


Crap snacks! I disappeared again! Dang it.

I disappeared again! Dang it. Well another update, I finished editing Nwa Pante Rising on my birthday (march 7th). It's with a reader that's helping with any remaining issues. That is still in progress. I've started working on the second Alleys book. 🙂 I'm trying to move and also further my education so I can… Continue reading Crap snacks! I disappeared again! Dang it.

authors, Spirituality Under Review

Random thoughts about witches (women) in history.

Yep, my brain has a lot of thoughts about a lot of things on varied subjects. So I was looking through a notebook and found some pages where I had been taking notes on women in history and their roles as midwives, spiritual leaders, revolutionaries, etc. Invariably, you'll find witches in history, or more accurately,… Continue reading Random thoughts about witches (women) in history.

author humor, authors, beta readers needed, Nwa Pante Rising, The Enclave Series

Today I am excited!

Soo, after many years of start and stop editing and battles with writer's block and general malaise, I am focusing on my writing and I'm down to the last 35 pages of this gawd forsaken editing. I love this book, I think it's funny, it's got sex, intrigue, kidnapping, paranormal/scifi, fantasy world, magic and... just… Continue reading Today I am excited!

Grief and coping with losing hubby, Spirituality Under Review, Thoughts

Spiritual Journey: Breaking point

My hubby and I were of different faiths, I was Christian and he was a "godless heathen" AKA atheist. That being said, he was also living proof that men don't need god to be moral, to be good husbands and fathers. He did a lot of good things for people that I wasn't allowed to… Continue reading Spiritual Journey: Breaking point

celebrities, humor, My opinion, Randomness

Why should football fans thank Taylor Swift?

I'm glad you asked. Instead of getting all hemotional about her being at the game and breaking her records and vowing to boycott... men should be thanking her. If your wife/SO/GF wants to watch football with you, she won't interrupt you watching the game. She won't come in and ask you to do something you… Continue reading Why should football fans thank Taylor Swift?


If you could call/talk to someone on the other side, would you?

Before you answer, give it some thought. I thought it would be cool and heck yeah why wouldn't you want the chance to talk to someone again? It's a surreal experience and I'm still processing it. Some time in October or November when I went to a paranormal expo (because I like all things ghostly… Continue reading If you could call/talk to someone on the other side, would you?

Advice, Randomness, The Virus, Things that happen at my house, Thoughts

Dementia is cruel and Mom’s crazy now…

So mom has developed Alzheimer's and Dementia. I remember when she came out to visit just before hubby passed. She came to visit in January 2016; the first thing I noticed was that she was walking weird. My son noticed it too and said: Granma walks like a cat on wet ice. Once I saw… Continue reading Dementia is cruel and Mom’s crazy now…

authors, Spirituality Under Review

Spiritual Journey: Where I am now.

I'll get back into my break up with organized religion in other posts, I want this post to be about where I am now. The other posts are to explain to you how I got here, why things make more sense, and why I'm happier here. It's very unsettling and hard to let go of… Continue reading Spiritual Journey: Where I am now.