Alleys and Broken Dreams:

Chapter 8… The dance begins

Dear Chapter 8 Today we see how you are going to behave. Will you be a PITA like your predecessors? Chapter 6 was so annoying I almost trashed it but I molded it into something useful after waging war with it. Chapter 7 was a worthy foe but it also fell into line. I hope… Continue reading Chapter 8… The dance begins

Alleys and Broken Dreams:

Writing in Arizona… FINALLY getting to chapter 8.

Dear Arizona; I've been stagnant...and my well of creativity has dried up much like the desert that surrounds me. It is beautiful to look at, and not nearly as hot as I thought it would be and we've had rain a few times. It seems to refresh the landscape... how about some refreshment for me?… Continue reading Writing in Arizona… FINALLY getting to chapter 8.

Alleys and Broken Dreams:, writing

Today…. Chapter 7. Your time is up! Bwah ha ha ha!

Dear Chapter 7... *insert heavy sarcasm here* Last night while I was editing late into the evening I made a very very happy discovery. I realized that I was on page 9. More importantly the END of page 9. Do you know what that means? (I know you do you rotten *trails off mumbling*) That… Continue reading Today…. Chapter 7. Your time is up! Bwah ha ha ha!

Alleys and Broken Dreams:, writing

Aww Crap Chapter 7!

Chapter 7.... You are kicking my butt and annoying me to no end! I cannot believe I've been stuck on you for 11 whole days! And now I have to add a whole new chapter  because of all this! I swear it's chapters like you that make me want to throw my hands up and… Continue reading Aww Crap Chapter 7!

Alleys and Broken Dreams:, Excerpts

EXCERPT from ALLEYS and Broken Dreams: (found from jan 2015 apparently not published?)

EXCERPT from ALLEYS 2:  Robert awoke to his cell phone vibrating itself across the nightstand. The incessant rumble of it had wormed itself into his dream. He was going to have to remember to turn the thing off so he could get a decent night’s sleep! But of course he couldn’t do that, not right… Continue reading EXCERPT from ALLEYS and Broken Dreams: (found from jan 2015 apparently not published?)

Alleys and Broken Dreams:

Chapter 7: Apparently you didn’t get the memo.

Chapter 7.... I will defeat you, even if that means splitting you up into two chapters and prolonging this editing. I'm in no mood to write a fancy rant so I'm keeping this one simple. You clearly didn't get the message or you completely ignored the warning to fall in line and be good. In… Continue reading Chapter 7: Apparently you didn’t get the memo.

Alleys and Broken Dreams:

Progress Report: Chapter 6… praise to a worthy opponent.

Dear Chapter 6, You were a worthy adversary; you fought bravely but in the end: I conquered you. A twelve hour battle of wits and wordplay, stubborn determination and lots and lots of rearranging. In the end, we have both emerged from this missive battle better for the experience. You threw missing words at me,… Continue reading Progress Report: Chapter 6… praise to a worthy opponent.

Alleys and Broken Dreams:

Progress Report: The evil chapter of issues

Dear Chapter 6: Why must you be a pain in my behind?! I was zipping right a long on my final edits on Alleys and Broken Dreams: 2 (working on this part of the title) until I hit you. You, with your imperfections and plot holes. No, not plot holes exactly; your issues would be a better… Continue reading Progress Report: The evil chapter of issues

Alleys and Broken Dreams:, Excerpts

Excerpt from: Alleys and Broken Dreams: Part 2 (working title)

Peanut's monologue came to an abrupt end as male voices began to echo in the warehouse. He flattened out against the wall and held his breath waiting for someone to find him. An excruciating few minutes of silence was suddenly broken by the unmistakable sound of a fist striking flesh and a sharp cry. “Well;… Continue reading Excerpt from: Alleys and Broken Dreams: Part 2 (working title)

Alleys and Broken Dreams:, Excerpts

Excerpt from Alleys 2:

“Adam did a great job on the party.” Sarah moved to lean on the wall and look out at the festive scene on the streets below.  “I think we counted at least three television crews out there so the local media is out there eating it all up with a spoon and begging for seconds.”… Continue reading Excerpt from Alleys 2: